About Vanessa
Vanessa Kay is a dedicated Self-regulation Consultant based in Perth, Western Australia, living with her two sons and dog Jessie. With a wealth of experience working with young people and families, Vanessa has served as a teacher, behaviour and early intervention support specialist, school counsellor, and youth counsellor and has operated her private practice.
Passionate about building young people’s capacity to self-regulate, Vanessa believes in a collaborative, integrative, holistic, and science-based model of health. She works closely with caregivers and other professionals to share knowledge and understanding of self-regulation. Vanessa was honoured to have the opportunity to introduce Dr Stuart Shanker, Canada’s leading expert in the psychophysiological theory of self-regulation, for the “Hello Self-Reg: Australia and New Zealand” webinar series.
- Master of Counselling
- Post Graduate Certificate Early Childhood Studies
- Bachelor of Education
- Post Grad Certification. Shanker Self-Reg®. Foundations and Facilitators.
- Registered Circle of Security Parenting (COSP). Facilitation.
- Alert Program ® for Self-Regulation. Certification.
- Alert Program® Facilitation. Certification.
- Certification in Professional Kinesiology.
- Extensive knowledge of mindfulness practices.
- PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of WA)
- TRBWA (Teachers Registration Board of WA)
- WWC (Working with Children)
At Innerwise we are committed to ongoing professional development to best meet our clients’ needs.
- 2023
- ALERT Program® for Self-Regulation – TherapyWorks Int. (March)
- Yoga and the Traumatised Body – PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia) (April)
- 2022
- Protective Behaviours Workshop – Parkerville Children and Youth Care. (Albany, November)
- ALERT Program® Facilitation Course – TherapyWorks Int. (September)
- Circle of Security International Parenting Facilitator Course (July/August)
- 2021
- Child and Youth Mental Health – PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia) (February)
- 2020
- Facilitators Course: Shanker Self-Reg®
- Working with the Intelligence of the Body to Strengthen the Gut-Brain Connection. PACFA.Online. EFT & TFT Practitioner Certificate. Udemy. Online.
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), CBT for Children and Adolescents. CBT Australia. Online.
- Foundations Course: Shanker Self-Reg® The Five Domains of Self-Reg. The Merit Centre. Online. The Bio Domain – Body-Brain Connection, Stress, Self-Reg. The Merit Centre. Online.
- 2019
- GateKeeper Suicide Prevention Workshop – Department of Education. Denmark.
- Mightier Certification for Professionals. Bio-responsive technology to build automaticity and self-regulation in kids.
- Keeping Child Mental Health in Mind across Service Delivery in Albany. Emerging Minds.
- Keyworker: Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Skills training for mental health clinicians Workshop 1: The Heart and Healing world of Child-Centred Play Therapy.
- Child Mental Health eLearning course. Emerging Minds.
- Youth Mental Health First Aid. Great Southern Grammar.
- Expressive Therapies. Youth Focus
- Red Dust Healing Workshop. Palmerston, Albany.